The plugin must allow you to control parameters with MIDI input. You need the following things to make this work: Once you understand what we’re doing, then let’s proceed.
The above video explains the feature in Reaper.įLStudio has what’s usually considered the de facto standard implementation of Automatino Clips, so I suggest Reading the FLStudio Manual on the topic as well. Method 2 - Method with Container and Any Pluginįirst you need to understand what we’re doing here.Method 1 - Minimal with MIDI Controllable Plugin.The following is a tutorial on how to emulate ‘Automation Clips’ or ‘Automation Items’ in Studio One. I just realized last night that I never wrote about it, so here we go! Studio One doesn’t have this feature natively, but years ago I figured out a workaround. It allows you to contain automation data in a region so it can be easily moved around and/or linked to other regions.
Automation Clips/Items/Regions/Whatever are a neat concept that some other DAWs have.