Fleet Admiral Gial Ackbar petitioned to have her rechristened Raddus in honour of the famed Mon Calamari admiral who led the Mon Calamari Exodus Fleet and gave his life at the pivotal Battle of Scarif. After her retirement, she was adopted as the flagship of the Leia Organa led Resistance. The Dawn of Tranquility was one of the last vessels of this line to be rolled out before the New Republic’s wave of disarmament. They instead focused more on redundant defences and starfighter carrying capacity. Much like the more famous MC80 line of Mon Calamari cruisers which preceded them, the MC85 line focused less on raw offensive output, actually being equipped with less weapons (albeit quite advanced and significantly less crew intensive) than capital ships which are a fraction of the size. Production started towards the end of the Galactic Civil War and ended with the start of the New Republic’s post-war demilitarization efforts. The MC85 Star Cruiser was a line of heavy cruisers manufactured jointly by the famous Corellian Engineering Corporation and the renowned Mon Calamari Shipyards. The MC85 star cruiser Raddus, with the Free Virgillia-class bunkerbuster Ninka as escort.